Ever since I heard about the war in Ukraine, I've wanted to write something for the children. But how could I possibly write a story for children who are still in the middle of a war? What would be the point?
How do you write a story when the story isn't over yet? When it's still so scary, so uncertain, so, so far from a happy ending?
So I simply wrote what is true. This is The Middle. It is heartbreaking and infuriating and deeply unfair and it is not over.
One day an ending will be written. Until then, sometimes all there is to do is find ways to survive The Middle, to find little moments of comfort and hope and strength, and to look for the heroes and the helpers.
I am painfully aware that this is not going to fix anything. It's not enough. That nothing is enough when there is ongoing war. For those lucky enough to be safe, and in a position to be helpers- you can donate to the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC), which combines and organises the efforts of 15 charities who are experts in humanitarian aid.
Thanks to some wonderful, generous souls there are now translations available to download in Ukrainian, Polish, Russian and French below.
P.S If you want to learn more about using therapeutic stories just like this one, check out my Therapeutic Storytelling Workshop by clicking here.