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Updated: Jan 27, 2021

I’ve been thinking about starting a blog for a while now.

In case you hadn’t noticed, I’m a writer.

I LOVE to write, and I often have a LOT to say.

I end up sharing these huge captions on social media and honestly, even they are an edited, shorter version of what I really want to say. In fact, this very first blog post actually began as a photo caption that I realised was far too long!

So I’ve decided to give myself the freedom here to write as much as I need to, no restrictions. And that feels good.

Part of what stopped me from beginning this blog was that I didn’t know where to begin. I wanted to get it ‘right’; the right content, shared at the right time, for the right reasons. I wanted to make sure it would be good enough.

Which, to some degree, I recognise now as excuses. Perfectionism in disguise.

And over the last year I have learnt that it really doesn’t matter if you don’t know all the details, it doesn’t matter if it’s not perfect, you just need to begin.

Leap and the net will appear.

The very act of beginning is good enough.

With the arrival of 2021 I’ve been reflecting a lot on beginnings.

On last New Year’s Day, I wasn’t sure what I wanted for 2020. I didn’t set any Resolutions.

As some of you may know, I set an intention instead.

To be brave, kind and true.

No big, fancy goals. Just three words.

An invitation from me to me: Could I be a braver, kinder, truer version of myself in 2020?

And little did I know that this intention would lead me to make some big, tough decisions, to write and share stories like The Stay Home Superheroes and The Little Helpers, to begin offering courses and workshops, and that it would eventually lead me here, to my own little home, where I am continuing to grow and write and become more of myself.

So this year I’ve decided to do the same. No big goals or resolutions.

This year I’ve chosen three new words.

I’m inviting myself to be more patient, more present and to enjoy as many moments as I possibly can in 2021.

Just presence, patience and enjoyment.

Along with an excited curiosity to see where this intention leads me.

Could you be gentler with yourself this year?

Try swapping out resolutions for intentions and see where it leads you.

What would your words be?

You might be thinking, we’re halfway through January already, isn’t it a little late?

Absolutely not.

You see my intention, usually, is to step into a new year, surrounded by loved ones, feeling happy, ready and excited for the year ahead.

But really, this year was different.

There was no real sense of preparation or readiness.

In all honesty it felt a little bit like we were shoved into this year.

We stumbled, we crawled, we were dragged into 2021.

And now we’re here. Halfway through the month already. And perhaps, like me, you’re just about getting your bearings now. Just.

And so, if you didn’t have time to begin the year in the way you wanted, you are not alone.

This is why my wonderful friend Jenny and I have created the workshop ‘An Invitation to Begin’. Think of it as your New Year’s Eve Take 2. A second chance. A do-over. Your opportunity to slow down. To pause. To reflect. To set your intentions.

I will guide you to write from the heart, because that is what I do best, and Jenny will guide you to feel into your yoga practice with kindness, because that is what she does best, and together we will begin with intention. You can find out more by clicking here.

And so, just like that, I have officially begun this blog, imperfectly perhaps, but done is always better than perfect.

You can expect me to be sharing a blog post once or twice a month from here on out. I plan to bring you free stories, visualisations, book reviews and activity ideas along with my own thoughts and musings with a focus on emotional health and self-care.

I can’t wait to see this unfold and grow. And if you read this far, I'm so grateful that you're here to be a part of it.

Take good care,

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